Monday, January 9, 2012

6.01.2012 - The Significance.

I am a runner that smokes. Well, that is not true. The truth is, I am a smoker that runs.
I smoke a pack a day for the past 8 years; sometimes two packs a day. And I only started running late 2010; 10.10.2010 to be exact, my first competitive run, the inaugural We Run KL 10k by Nike Malaysia.

Been in love for 4 years, good relationship; but it was not meant to be and it ended last year.

So here the boring part (as if it was interesting before); my dreams for 2012.
  1. Quit smoking completely. 
  2. Run a BQ (for non-running readers, i'll explain what is a BQ one of these days)
  3. Find a true love. The least important one, but I still want to believe that true love exists for all of us.
So you get the idea right? My posts in this blog will be basically about me chasing after those dreams.
After all, sometimes dreams do come true.

But why start today and not 1.1.2012? No reason, i choose to start today because today is also the day i am handing in my resignation letter. :) I've been wanting to leave for so long, and only today i actually have the gut to do it.

Until next time.

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